Friday, December 27, 2019

Analysis of The Basilica of St. Denis - 1477 Words

Ziggy Marley once said, â€Å"God is like the sun. When the sun shines, it shines for everyone. God is for everyone.† In the same way, Abbot Suger built the Basilica of St. Denis so that sunlight would flood throughout the building and symbolize the power of God inviting visitors into the cathedral. The Basilica of St. Denis was an artistic response to the rise of the Catholic Church’s power for it was modeled to be a physical representation of heaven, which the church heavily preached upon. (Thesis) As the basilica represented the shift from Romanesque architecture to Gothic, Abbot Suger introduced new techniques that transformed cathedrals to look more spacious and â€Å"heavenly†. (Map Statement #1-Art History) By allowing sunlight to come†¦show more content†¦The shift brought the transformation of thick columns to much thinner and â€Å"lighter† columns (Blankenbehler). However, before this architectural movement can begin, Abbot Suger strug gled to reconstruct and synthesize the style of the ancient building with his ideas of modern designs. He knew that the freshness of these new designs would bring beauty and spaciousness. He wanted people to be amazed at the transformation of the once small, but soon to be large and wide feel of the basilica. To create the wide feel, Abbot Suger issued the ceiling to have a complicated web of interlocked and pointed vaults. He also chose to have arches with points so that the basilica would not need thick walls to support the arch. Thick walls would make the interior look crowded and small, something Suger did not want. By having the pointed arches, those would take the weight of the ceiling and distribute the weight across rather than being pulled down. This allowed for thin and elegant looking columns, for they were able to support the ceiling because the weight of it was dispersed. He envisioned the structure to have high ceilings, which would be supported with thinner columns (B irth of the Gothic: Abbot Suger and the Ambulatory at St. Denis). Suger also brought in the idea of having tall towers so that the building would look like it was reaching for the heavens. By reaching the heavens, it brought this concept of being closer to God and reassuring the people’sShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of A Gothic Inspired Building828 Words   |  4 PagesVAH 2253 Critical Analysis of a Gothic-Inspired Building in London, Ontario - — St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica Jiaying Hou (250628040) 2015/3/18 â€Æ' St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica, located in London, Ontario, Canada, is the Cathedral for the Catholic Diocese of London and Bishop is Ronald P. Fabbro, C.S.B. â€Å"†¦ February 15, 1880, Bishop Walsh announces plans to build a new Cathedral, Joseph Connolly is named architect. †¦ June 28, 1885, the new Cathedral is dedicated and opened; †¦ October 6,Read MoreThe Basilica Of St Denis2337 Words   |  10 PagesIn this essay I intend to compare and contrast the Basilica of St. Sernin and Basilica of St Denis in France with references to how they differ structurally (as Romanesque and Gothic buildings respectively) followed by critical analysis of the advancements in architectural construction methods. The progression in architectural capability from Romanesque to Gothic led to a change in how religious architecture was approached spatially, with far greater emphasis on the use of light and a desire for

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analysis Of Bless Me Ultima - 1918 Words

For centuries, psychologists have debated theories concerning the development of human behavioral tendencies. One of these topics, self-actualization, is the evolution of an individual toward fulfillment of the highest needs; those for meaning in life, in particular. Abraham Maslow, a highly celebrated psychologist, has dissected this topic and created a theory of self-actualization where he outlines a pyramid through which one ascends and achieves specific needs until he reaches an actualized state. Bless Me Ultima is a bildungsroman novel where Rudolfo Anaya stresses the way in which Antonio, the protagonist, finds his place in the world and learns about his beliefs as an individual through hardships, love from those close to him, and exposure to new cultures. Although Antonio does not entirely fulfill self-actualization, he demonstrates Maslow’s theory of self-actualization by ascending the need hierarchy and exhibiting characteristics of a self-actualized person. Antonio experiences the hierarchy outlined in Maslow’s theory by displaying the need for love and belonging in his life. The following passage from Bless Me, Ultima shows the degree to which he depends on Ultima: â€Å"I felt more attached to Ultima than to my own mother. Ultima told me the stories and legends of my ancestors. From her I learned the glory and tragedy of the history of my people, and I came to understand how that history stirred in my blood† (123). Because of the slightly rocky relationships in hisShow MoreRelatedThematic Analysis Of Bless Me, Ultima1580 Words   |  7 Pages Thematic Analysis of Conflicts in, Bless me, Ultima Differences in others aid to the stimulation of ideas and opinions that expresses an individual s personality. In Rudolfo Anaya’s bildungsroman, Bless Me, Ultima, the struggle between two families and their extreme differences cause numerous conflicts that are constantly present throughout his novel. In this chicano inspired novel, Antonio Marà ©z, the six year old protagonist, is perpetually faced with instances of dissimilarity throughoutRead MoreAnalysis : Bless Me, Ultima 1636 Words   |  7 PagesSpring and Bless Me, Ultima respectively. The effect and response Rachel Carson wanted to create within the audience was better illustrated in Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima as they both hoped to evoke an empathetic and intersubjective relationship with nature. While Silent Spring was groundbreaking and effectively created a culture of environmental awareness, Carson objectified nature by showing the horrid consequences we face by not taking care of nature. On th e other hand, Bless me, Ultima’sRead MoreBless Me Ultima Analysis1203 Words   |  5 PagesMora and the novel, â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima†, by Rudolfo Anaya portray the curandera in different and similar ways. The literary works consist of common characteristics and qualities that the curanderos possess irrespective of the different genders. In both poems, the curanderos are knowledgeable. Besides, they have a close connection with nature, and the people from their towns respect them greatly. Bless Me, Ultima is Anaya’s first novel in which he describes the curandera, Ultima and the protagonistRead MoreBless Me, Ultima Literary Analysis714 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"Bless Me, Ultima† by Rudolfo Anaya Literary Analysis Throughout the context of â€Å"Bless Me Ultima,† it is evident that there are many motifs and examples of dichotomy. I believe that Anaya uses the previously mentioned elements of literature in order to provoke his readers’ thinking and help embody a struggle of understanding the world we live in. Motifs in this novel include: family, dreams, religion, education, and the list continues. For examples of dichotomy, the idea of good versus evil isRead MoreThematic Analysis Of Bless Me, Ultima1447 Words   |  6 PagesThematic Analysis of Bless Me, Ultima Bless me, Ultima is a book taking place in the 1940’s during world war ll in New Mexico, it is about a young boy named Antonio who is being torn this way and that by his mother, a Luna who wants solely for her son to become a man of knowledge and a priest. His father a Marez vaquero (cowboy) who wants him to be free like all the Marez men before him. Both parents are polar opposites from each other the Luna’s who represent the moon are quite, religious farmersRead MoreAnalysis : Bless Me, Ultima 1488 Words   |  6 Pagesculture and ancient Hispanic culture, that argue and show the need for general indigenous beliefs through interrelations of the sources of life itself. This paper seeks to analyze the poetic coverage of the history of early indigenous culture in Bless Me, Ultima, by showing a detailed comparison of the transitional experiences of early native people to Antonio. Indigenous natives of the American land have experienced transitional experiences that range from the first encounters with the colonial EuropeansRead MoreAn Analysis Of Bless Me Ultima831 Words   |  4 PagesBless me Ultima How or why did it become controversial? Rudolfo Anaya’s best novel Bless me Ultima had one of the greatest impact in the Latino community. The story is based on a youngRead MoreAnalysis : Bless Me, Ultima 1777 Words   |  8 Pageswith questions with no resolution. Our mind would wonder down bizarre paths but we go no further then what we know. Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless me Ultima proscribes that feeling when we are young our minds strive with curiosity to seek guidance to face the harsh reality of life in a manner we ourselves are prepared for when that time finally arrives. Rudolfo Anaya† Bless Me, Ultima’s† protagonist Antonio spiral down a treacherous path that he himself isn’t prepared at the slightest, but is carried underRead MoreAnalysis Of Bless Me, Ultima 1618 Words   |  7 Pages Bless me Ultima Lap Syeda Ahmed Prompt 4 Mr. Amoroso pr3 September 27 2016 . Death in one’s life time is unavoidable. In a way those effected by death, die themselves but ultimately shed that part of their life to grow a new stronger and wiser layer in its place. Rudolfo Anaya shows this perfectly in his novel Bless Me, Ultima, with the use of his character Antonio. Anaya uses death as a catalyst to the solution for Antonio’s frustrations on religion. Each death showing significances to theRead MoreAnalysis Of Bless Me Ultima1325 Words   |  6 Pages it is affected by a convergence of factors and events in our life. A person’s faith is a complex and differs from one person to another, but one thing is for certain, it affects how we look at life and how we approach life. Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me Ultima divulges into the life an inquisitive six year old Antonio as he transitions from a young boy to a man and becomes cognizant of life’s tragedies. His inquisitive nature that persists to understand himself and his world bears an internal struggle

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Century Genius Award Frank Lloyd Wright free essay sample

Even though Frank was eased in a comfortable setting, his home life was anything but warm. His father kept moving the family from job to job across the United States. His father was constantly in financial trouble and would eventually move his family back to Wisconsin. Eventually his parents would divorce, while Frank was still young. After his parents divorced, Frank changed his middle name to Lloyd, which was his mothers middle name. Franks mother decided that he was going to be a great architect. To help spark his interest in architecture, his mother bought him Freebies geometric blocks to entertain and educate her son.Not only did it spark an interest in Frank, but it nurtured the natural talent that he possessed for design. Allowing Frank to use his imagination, Anna gave him a room filled with everything a young architect would need to build great designs: paper, paste, pencils, cardboard, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Century Genius Award: Frank Lloyd Wright or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Young Frank was seen as a dreamy and sensitive child, and while working on the farm with his uncles, he tried to run away many times. This behavior seemed to follow him all through his life. In 1 884, Frank entered the University of Wisconsin.Because the school did not offer any courses in architecture, Frank enrolled in civil engineering. While at school, he worked part-time with Allen Conniver, a local builder and professor of civil engineering. After only two years at the university, he left school and went to Chicago where he became a designer for the firm of Adler and Sullivan with a pay of twenty-five dollars a week. Frank worked his way up through the company to become chief assistant to Louis Sullivan. While working at Adler and Sullivan, Wright also designed houses for clients on the side.This moonlighting displeased Louis Sullivan so Frank left the firm in 1893 to begin his own design firm in Chicago. Frank was not short on clients during his beginning years. In the first ten years of his solo career, Frank designed over 1 35 buildings. Patience, concentration, attention to detail, and many revisions became the standard of Franks work. However, because of his meticulous nature, Franks clients could never make any suggestions or interfere with his designs. Frank took an integral approach to architecture by designing the interior furnishings of the building as well as the structure.He seemed to possess a skill of site memorization. Sometimes Frank would visit the grounds only once fore designing a building that blended with and complimented the site. This natural ability became an era for Frank and Was labeled the Prairie style. This style of design dominated his work from 1900-1913. The Prairie style was marked by horizontal lines and was one of the first designs to use an open plan approach which is still in existence today. Frank designed many buildings with new techniques for his time. For instance, he used precepts concrete blocks reinforced by steel rods.He also introduced numerous innovations including air conditioning, indirect lighting, ND panel heating. The Larkin Building in Buffalo, New York, which he designed in 1 904, was the first office building to use air conditioning double- glass windows, all-glass doors, and metal furniture. In 1 909, Frank left the United States to live in Europe leaving behind a comfortable home life including a wife, six children and a well-established business. His journey abroad, however, proved to be a successful business move. Franks designs were better received in Europe than they had been in the United States.Frank returned to the United States in 1 910 and settled jack down in the Chicago and Wisconsin area, where he started to build his second home called the Totalities. In 1 914, during the completion of the Totalities, a male worker murdered seven people including his mistress, her two children, a gardener, a draftsman, a workman, and the workmans son. The male worker then set fire to the Totalities-house. Once completed, however, Frank lived for most of his remaining life in this house and Often experimented with the design to improve continually on his style of architecture.In 1 922, Frank traveled to Japan where he worked on the Imperial Hotel Project. This project caused many engineering and architectural issues. When Frank completed the Imperial Hotel, many people criticized his design of a floating foundation However, these critics changed their minds when in 1923 an earthquake hit Japan. While many other buildings lay in ruins, the Imperial Hotel stood firm. Over the next few years, Frank moved back to the United States and rebuilt his career as a residential home architect. During this period, Frank continued to push the boundaries of designs.He began building houses made with a new material called textile blocks, or cinder blocks. As Frank continued to design, he not only designed the outside building, but worked on the interior as well. He designed everything from furniture to doors and was one of the first architects to incorporate custom-made light fixtures into his designs. (http://en. Wisped. Org/wick/Frank_Lloyd_Wright) Many people believed that Frank Lloyd Wright had peaked in the 1 asss with the design of the Prairie houses while others believed that he was just starting to bloom in the sasss.Either way, Frank Lloyd Wright was on the road to becoming one of the greatest architects of the twentieth century. Frank decided he needed a change so in 1 932, he sat down and wrote his autobiography. This book caused renewed interest in Franks work and he once again became a highly sought after architect. During this period of his life, Frank designed two of his famous buildings: Billingsgate, in Bear Run, Pennsylvania, and the administration building for Johnson Wax Company in Racine, Wisconsin. In the sasss, Frank Lloyd Wright created his last architectural style called the Suasion.The Suasion style home was simple in design. It was made of concrete floors, natural wood walls, brick masonry risers and fireplaces. Frank provided many different styles of this home to help each one to fit into its own environment. By bringing this type of style to the average American family, Frank believed that the American family wanted to be brought back to a more informal and comfortable life. Frank continued to produce work into the asses and 1 sass including houses, churches, theaters, and stores. One of his greatest works was The Guggenheim Museum in Manhattan, New York.This building is considered one of his last great works. Unfortunately, Frank never got to see the opening n the Guggenheim Museum. On April 4, 1 959, six months before the museum was to open, Frank Lloyd Wright died. His body was buried next to his mother in Spring Green, WI. In conclusion, Frank Lloyd Wright was a man ahead of his time. His vision and ingenuity for architecture was brilliant and continues to inspire our generation today. Frank Lloyd Wright is truly a legend and genius of architecture style and that is why he is considered a genius of the 20th Century. References: (2006). Frank Lloyd Wright Commission.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Marriage of the end Essay Example For Students

The Marriage of the end Essay The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky by Stephen Crane, was a story that showed the dying of the old west and the merging of the eastern way of thinking. In this story The sheriff gets married and comes home to a town that may or may not accept what he has done. The sheriff is coming home on a train, not horses but a train with a wife he did not ask the town permission for. The entire train ride home consists of him telling his new wife everything about everything on the train which shows his anxiety in going home to his town. Every thing on the train symbolizes how the east is coming to the west and how the west is slowly fading out. Everyone on the train keeps referring to time as if time were running out for everybody. We will write a custom essay on The Marriage of the end specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The other main character of this story is Scratchy Wilson. Scratchy is the only trace of the traditional western bad guy even though his clothes are from a catalog from new York. Scratchy Has played a sort of game with the sheriff and feels that this is the way it should be. The whole town has been a part of this game as well, reacting to Scratchy as one should react to a typical bad guy. When the sheriff comes home with his wife Scratchy threatens to kill the sheriff until he learns that he has broken the rules and gotten married. This ends the game and forever changes the way the town interacts with each other.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Voice Search SEO 4 Key Tips to Optimize Your Content

Voice search is one of the most talked-about SEO trends in recent history. More and more people are using voice assistants, which means voice search SEO can be a great way to get your sites content in front of visitors.So, what exactly is voice search? In simple terms, voice search is whenever a person searches for content using their smart speaker or in-built smartphone assistant. Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, and Microsofts Cortana are just a few of the most popular ones.But, unlike traditional search queries, a voice-based search will interpret content slightly differently. Voice assistants look for condensed snippets of information which can summarize the answer to a users query in a few sentences. Thats why voice search SEO requires a special focus. A comScore report has said that more than 50% of searches will be done using a smart assistant by 2020. Even with substantial margins, this is a large enough number to pay close attention.Data: Microsofts 2019 Voice ReportThe purpos e of this article is to give you actionable tips so that you can prepare your content for an influx of voice search users. Best of all, a lot of these voice search SEO tips also directly affect your overall search engine optimization strategy.Ready to get started? Lets learn!Voice search SEO: Four key tactics in 20191. Incorporate conversational, answer-based contentAll of the big smart speakers and assistants use Natural Language Processing  (NLP) to understand the intonation behind users search queries. In short, NLP looks to respond to search queries with content that matches the same tone of voice a person used when searching.So, if someone is searching for:What happened with the Night King in Game of Thrones?What is the best pizzeria near me?When did Leonardo DiCaprio win an Oscar?NLP will look for clearly defined and concise answers. If your content is written like a story with too much fragmentation, then voice assistants simply wont be able to pick up your content.Here is an example of a snippet that NLP will easily interpret:In 2016, Leonardo DiCaprio won his first Oscar as Best Actor for his role in The Revenant. This was Leos 6th nomination and his 1st win. During his acceptance speech, Leo urged people all across the world to pay close attention to climate change and its impact on the planet.You can learn more from this official document published by Google:  Evaluation of Search Speech.The PDF includes a lot of samples that you can learn from, and ultimately, get yourself ahead of the pack.2. Add structured markup data to tag individual paragraphsStructured data markup is a way to make it easier for search engines to understand your content. You can specify things like Article data, Review score, and more. And this information helps you get rich snippets in Google search.Here is an example of a Google search result when searching for coconut pudding:A preview for the Rich Snippets values of Article and Review.And while none of these will direc tly influence your voice search SEO, the Speakable property will. Speakable is an up-and-coming (BETA) Schema value which lets you define a segment of your content as voice-friendly.Heres what Google says about this new property, When the Google Assistant reads aloud a speakable section, it attributes the source and sends the full article URL to the users mobile device through the Google Assistant app.So, this is actually really beneficial to you in multiple ways.First, your content is understood by voice assistants, and second, the voice assistant will provide the user with a link to your content.The official description as defined by the website.If you would like to learn more about structured data, head over to our article about schema plugins for WordPress.3. Optimize your content for featured snippetsFeatured snippets are something you encounter every day in Googles search results. Heres an example:Unlike Rich Snippets, you cannot add any direct markup to your conten t to tell Google to create a Featured Snippet. Its something that Google just does.SEO experts argue that theyre both a blessing and a curse. And the reasoning is simple, users are more likely to click on a Featured Snippet result than browse to search results below it. Thats just human nature.As for voice search SEO, theyre an absolute godsend.Most smart speakers and voice assistants recognize featured snippets and often use them as a means to answer users questions.The official announcement from Google.So, you are probably wondering by now, how do I get my content to be featured by Google?Unfortunately, there isnt one specific recipe for this. We do know that Google uses multiple signals to decide what content gets featured.Here are some of those signals:Content-rich paragraphs which expand on a specific question.Lists which enrich content underneath a sub-heading.Technical content organized within an HTML Table.Highlighted content using tags such as Bold and Italic.The short answ er is, write content in multiple segments with extremely rich and relevant information. Dont just think about writing, think how your content answers questions.4. Write in-depth content with lots of long-tail keywordsSpeaking of answering questions. We cant talk about voice search SEO without mentioning long-tail keywords and in-depth content.Both are a strong recipe for voice search success.First of all, heres some data on the average word length per article for top 10 results in Google search:Source: Capsicum MediaworksThe data suggests that lengthier posts correlate with a higher rank in Google. And articles with 2,400+ words provide a lot of content and a lot of opportunity for being the source of voice search queries.The said opportunity comes from using long-tail keywords and adding depth to your content.Another way to look at it is to think of your blog posts and articles as FAQ sections on a specific subject.The more you focus on creating definitive content, the more Google can understand the depth of what you are sharing.Here are some tips for adding depth to your content:Use a lot of sub-headings to go deeper into a subject.Write down all the questions you want to answer with your post, then use those questions as guiding points for your content.Provide a Table of Contents so that users can quickly navigate to a section they need.Focus on smaller content segments which provide extensive information.I recommend looking into blogging tools such as Ahrefs to analyze the top content across your specific search queries. Once you know which content ranks the best, you can use similar principles in your own content to make it as extensive as possible.Implement voice search SEO todayAs you can see, applying voice search SEO tips to your content isnt all that difficult. And its a lot like optimizing your content for general SEO purposes.The only real difference is that search engines want you to make your content very specific. The emphasis is on snippets of content rather than meaty paragraphs.Heres a summary of what we learned:Conversational writing tone helps to match the tone of the user who is performing a voice search query.You can use structured data markup to specify a segment of your content thats voice-friendly.Voice assistants use Featured Snippets as a means of answering user questions.Youll get better results if you write in-depth content which is thoroughly organized.Do you have any questions about optimizing your content for voice search? Ask away in the comments! Use these voice search #SEO tips to make voice assistants love your content 🔉

Saturday, November 23, 2019

To the lighthouse

To the lighthouse To the Lighthouse, published in 1927 is one of Virginia Woolf's most successful novels written in a stream of consciousness style. The novel is divided into three parts, which revolve around the members of the Ramsey family and their guests during visits to their summer vacationing residence on the Isle of Skye. The central preoccupation within the novel however is not to be found within the lives of the characters, instead they are seen as being secondary to the overall grounding of the novel in the house itself. Woolf examines the actions of the characters and the passing of time from the perspective of the central symbol of the actual physical domestic space of the house.The characterization of Mrs. Ramsey, who is identified as being the guardian, or the 'angel of the house', cannot be separated from the actual physical space itself. Just as the walls and doors of the house serve to keep out and protect the inhabitants from the outside world, Mrs.Ramsey FDRamsey works to create a domestic space where she can shield the people from the effects of modern life and offer a retreat into a more natural landscape. This natural landscape however can be seen as a threat, the pounding of the waves on the surf turns from a "soothing tattoo to her thoughts" to the "ghostly roll of drums remorselessly beat(ing) the measure of life", and terrified the sound makes her think "of the destruction of the island and its engulfment in the sea"(23-24). The simple fact that sound of the pounding waves comes to her suddenly, whereas before it had been concealed by the sounds of conversations being held outside, points to the hollowness of the house.Mrs. Ramsey works to maintain the house as being a protective barrier, which can...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Questions - Essay Example He attributes the Google market success to â€Å"what can only be labeled as extraordinary people management practices that result from its use of â€Å"people analytics.† (Sullivan, 2013) The extraordinary marketplace success of Google has gotten the notice of many in the business world and has began forcing many business leaders to take due notice. They have seen that there can also be other newer roads to corporate success.â€Å"New path† (Sullivan, 2013) firms can only hope to dominate by producing continuous innovation. This has made top management executives come to the realization that in order achieve continuous innovation there must be a strategic shift. This shift has to be an on purpose focus on better human resource management. This is a very necessary step in the strategic focus of human resource. It is necessary as innovations don’t just spring out of anywhere but from individuals who have to be both recruited and retained (Branham, 2005). This means providing them with good managers and working environments that will support innovation. The transition to an innovative firm is not an easy one because â€Å"most HR managements operate under 20th century principles of past practices, efficiency, risk avoidance, legal compliance, and hunch-based people management decisions’ (Rose, 2006).Therefore in order to better improve, innovation reinvention of the traditional HR and the processes that drive it are needed. The basic idea behind the â€Å"people analytics† method is that appropriate human resource management decisions are seen and made to be the most important and impactful decisions that a firm can make. It is not possible to produce superior business results unless managers are making fitting and accurate people management decisions. Although it may be argued by many that product, research and development, marketing,